Dynamic Friction Company 5000 Advanced Brake Pads - Ceramic 1551-0908-00-Front Set

Dynamic Friction Company 5000 Advanced Brake Pads - Ceramic 1551-0908-00-Front Set


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    Dynamic Friction 1551-0908-00 - 5000 Advanced Ceramic Brake Pads - Ceramic

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Product Details

Designed to deliver a consistent pedal feel and superb brake response. Selected Friction Materials designed to meet the demands of modern vehicles with ABS and Automated Braking Systems Rotor Friendly with proven longer rotor and pad life. Provides correct friction performance, resulting in the safest possible braking. Excellent Fade Resistance. If the “Confirmed Fit” bar appears at the top of this page, please check the “Confirmed Fit” bar before buying this product to ensure this product works for your vehicle. If the “Confirmed Fit” bar has an “i” in a blue circle, this product has additional notes. Please hover over the “i” on the bar to see notes before making your purchase.

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