Keitech Keitech Fs Fat Swing Impact ' 2.8

Keitech Keitech Fs Fat Swing Impact ' 2.8


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  • Keitech Keitech Fs Fat Swing Impact ' 2.8

    Keitech Keitech Fs Fat Swing Impact ' 2.8

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  • Keitech Keitech Fs Fat Swing Impact ' 2.8

    Keitech Keitech Fs Fat Swing Impact ' 2.8

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Product Details

Two-tone color injection process uses several different types of salted plastics to achieve perfect balance and action Maintain a perfect swimming motion at any retrieve speed Tapered designed Ringed body makes the bait extremely weedless when Texas rigged The center Rigging line provides the perfect position to ensure the bait is rigged correctly

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